Tips on how to take care of your essential beach jewellery
You are expected to take some beach essentials when you go for a holiday and stay at the beach. But beach jewellery is one of the essentials that people often ignore when packing their bags for a day at the beach. But jewellery has always been a big deal, and we all have our unique collection of jewellery that we keep next to our precious gems, even if it's just one.
However, most people that add jewellery to their collection of essential beach accessories fail to notice how delicate and precious all these essential jewellery can be. They're often overlooked when it comes to maintenance, which can easily lead to unnecessary damages that could have been avoided. Therefore, here are a few tips you could follow when packing your jewellery for a beach trip.
However, most people that add jewellery to their collection of essential beach accessories fail to notice how delicate and precious all these essential jewellery can be. They're often overlooked when it comes to maintenance, which can easily lead to unnecessary damages that could have been avoided. Therefore, here are a few tips you could follow when packing your jewellery for a beach trip.
How to take care of jewellery on the beach
Taking care of your jewellery when on the beach is important. It could save you a lot of money and keep you from damaging them. Here is a guide on making your jewellery look great at the beach or back home!
Think about your pieces of jewellery
Although reactive maintenance can always be an option, the most efficient and effective way of protecting and taking care of your valuable and essential jewellery is by leaving it at home. However damaging your jewellery at the beach is not a certainty, there is a possibility of it happening. So, the best thing is to consider the possibility of your favorite jewellery getting damaged to be on the safer side. This possibility will help decide which jewellery to wear to the beach.
Before wearing any jewellery you are attached to, like your engagement ring, wedding ring, gold anklets, and so on, think about how much it bothers you if this piece of jewellery were damaged. If you have a designer ring, leave it at home! The sand will cause it to wear away quickly, and it could even damage the integrity of the metal.

Put on beach accessories you are not too attached to or that aren't very expensive, and you will be happy you weren't wearing your favorite pieces if they suffered irreparable harm or got lost. You can get a perfect replacement for your favorite jewellery here.
Remove it before entering the water
In case you are wearing valuable, sentimental or gold plated jewellery, we recommend taking it off before going into the water. On the other hand, natural materials, such as solid gold, freshwater or saltwater pearls should withstand the challenge of saltwater. But since there are a lot of other potentially damaging factors (dangerous movements, probability of losing jewellery, etc.) you may consider taking all jewellery off before going swimming.Before You Adventure you choose to wear jewellery to the beach, consider taking it off before you enter the water and storing it somewhere safe. If you're wearing a freshwater pearl necklace or anklet (or any other piece of jewellery with pearls in it), try to keep it wrapped up in something soft when you're not wearing it—like a washcloth or an old sock—to protect them from getting scratched from sand and salt water. Your best bet is to put them in a waterproof bag or container and store them in your beach bag, so they don't get lost.
The waterproof bag or container will protect your jewellery from rain and salt water, so you can take it out without worrying about losing something important.
Try to avoid having sand on your jewellery
It can be challenging to accomplish this at the beach because sand tends to get everywhere. It finds its way into your beach bag and bathing suit, and some of it unavoidably makes its way under your rings and other jewellery. Although there isn't much you can do about it, trying your best to keep your jewellery away from the sand will go a long way.
Remove your rings before creating a sandcastle. Put a towel between you and the sand if you wish to sunbathe. These small gestures might occasionally mean the difference between your jewellery scratched up and escaping unharmed.
Avoid wearing loosed jewellery when going into the water
Your jewellery like body chain, waist chain, and necklace could get caught on something and cause severe injury or damage.
If your earrings or necklace gets caught on something sharp such as coral or seaweed, it could start ripping open layers of your skin until it reaches an artery (and then we have a problem).
But, if you choose to wear these jewellery while swimming, make sure they are fitted to your body and made from materials that won't corrode or rust when exposed to saltwater for long periods (such as solid gold). If not properly cared for, these types of metals could begin reacting with their surroundings and cause damage to nearby tissues when wet.
How to care for your jewellery after a Beach Day
Summer is here, and you know what that means: it's time to pack up your bags and head to the beach. Whether you're going for a dip in the ocean/sea/swimming pool or just hanging out on the sand, there's no denying that beach days are some of the best days ever.
But your jewellery can look less than perfect after a day at the beach. And if you've got some designer rings or other fine jewellery (such as freshwater pearls or an anklet made out of gold), you want to make sure they look new!
Here are some tips on how to care for your jewellery after a day at the beach
Step 1
Avoid harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia to clean your jewellery after a beach day. These chemicals will damage the finish on some metals, including gold and silver. Instead, try using warm water and mild soap to clean your jewellery after getting in from the beach.
Step 2
Use a soft toothbrush or makeup brush to gently scrub any sand trapped between stones or settings on your piece(s). This will help prevent scratches and damage later on down the line!
Step 3
Rinse off all the grit with fresh water, then dry thoroughly with a towel before putting them back on! Avoid using a paper towel to keep your jewellery from scratching.
Step 4
Dry off completely before storing away—if possible. Hang your beach jewellery somewhere safe, so air can circulate them until you're ready to wear it again (like on a hook or stand).
Don't leave any pieces in the sun for too long—even if it's cloudy—because this will damage their surface and make them less appealing overall.
The Do's & Don'ts of Wearing your Jewellery to the Beach
There are a few do's and don'ts you may need to consider when wearing jewellery at the beach.
- Avoid wearing your jewellery in the water. If you decide to wear your jewellery in the water, make sure it's waterproof and tarnish-resistant.
- Be aware of the water temperature. Some metals can be damaged by freezing or extreme heat, so make sure you're not going to be in water that's too hot or cold for your jewellery.
- Bring a cheap piece of jewellery just in case something happens with your good stuff! You'll be glad you did if anything does happen on vacation and you need an emergency replacement for one thing or another.
- Wear a necklace with a clasp that latches closed. This will keep your chain and necklace from getting caught in the sand or water and also make it easier to take off when you're done swimming or playing in the waves.
Our beach jewellery care tips ensure that you maintain your jewellery and make it look better for a long period so that you do not have to get a replacement as soon as you purchase your favorite beach essential jewellery.
- Don't wear anything too valuable! You probably don't want to lose any of your most precious possessions while having fun at the beach.
- Don't wear jewellery that is too heavy or bulky. It can be uncomfortable and cause problems if you're in the water.
- Don't wear costume jewellery like designer rings and other jewellery made from plastic or resin, as it may not stand up to being exposed to saltwater and sand. These types of materials will not hold up well under water. Instead, choose pieces made from silver or gold (or other precious metals).
- Don't wear earrings if you are swimming or getting in the water with them on.
- Don't wear delicate necklaces or bracelets that might get caught on something when swimming or playing in the water.
Bottom Line
Our beach jewellery care tips ensure that you maintain your jewellery and make it look better for a long period so that you do not have to get a replacement as soon as you purchase your favorite beach essential jewellery.